Helpful Links
Information Links
Dr. Mark Hyman
Dr. Hyman's website is full of great articles, recipes and meal plans to help you optimise your health through your nutrition.
Visit Dr. Mark Hyman's website
Dr. Jeffrey Bland
Dr. Bland focuses on the connection between genetics, lifestyle and environment.
Visit Dr. Jeffrey Bland's website
Dr. Joseph Mercola
A reliable source of health articles, optimal wellness products, medical news, and free natural newsletter from natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola.
Visit Dr. Joseph Mercola's website
Dr. Zach Bush
Dr. Bush is one of the few triple board-certified physicians with expertise in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism and Hospice/Palliative Care.
Dr. Rangan Chatterjee
Dr Rangan is a British Doctor, author, video blogger and podcaster. Rangan simplifies everything and presents complex health information in a readily accessible way.
Visit Dr. Rangan Chatterjee's website
Dr David Perlmutter
Dr. David Perlmutter is on the cutting edge of innovative medicine that looks at all lifestyle influences on health and illness.
Teresa Cutter
Teresa Cutter's "Healthy Chef" website is a great source of recipes and products.
Product Links
Source the products Mary prescribes online at
House of Goodness
Nutritious wholesome Asian food, gluten-free, allergy friendly ready meals.
Visit the House of Goodness website
The Cordony Kitchen
Healthy food ideas, weeknight dinners, homemade meals and party catering. Many gluten free options.
Visit the Cordony Kitchen website
Food to Nourish
Good bioactivated nuts and spreads
Visit the Food to Nourish website
Australian certified organic sesame seeds, nuts and oils